Thursday 19 July, 2018

A Message from Our Founder

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Friday 01 June, 2018

What Temperature Should I Keep my AC?

This is a question you hear quite often in the air conditioning business. What Temperature should I keep my AC? In truth, there are many different opinions and people all have different personal preferences. But, in this article, we will share what the energy experts say is your ideal setting


Thursday 31 May, 2018

Stats and Figures Related to Air Conditioning

In our latest series of blog posts we wanted to really delve into air conditioning. It is a major part of or lives and many people take it for granted or give very little thought to it. Sterling Oil actually installs and repairs AC so that is why we wanted


Wednesday 30 May, 2018

How an Air Conditioner Fundamentally Works

Many people have enjoyed the benefits all their lives and never really stopped to think how the air conditioning system actually works. All they know is that they hit a few buttons and some cold air starts pouring out of the vent. But the process of cooling the air is


Tuesday 29 May, 2018

Replacing Old Air Conditioning System

If your air conditioning system is getting older and you find yourself having to have it repaired every other year, it is probably a good idea to consider replacing it. Not only will you prevent being stuck with no AC in the middle of the summer, you will actually save


Saturday 03 February, 2018

Get Warm Again with the Fast Fleet of Heating Oil Trucks

If you are worried about waiting around for the heating oil that you need and risk being cold, don’t be. With the right heating oil company, you can be sure that you’re able to get the hot air that is needed without having to wait for long periods of time


Wednesday 24 January, 2018

What is Heating Oil and Why Use it?

Heating oil is a type of oil that can be used to heat up the inside of a home. It does not matter the size of the home; the right size system can dispense heat throughout it. This is an efficient way for many home to obtain the heat that


Wednesday 10 January, 2018

Benefits of Using a Long-Standing Heating Oil Company

There are numerous benefits that come with using a long-standing heating oil company. When you’re thinking about who to work with for the heating oil that you need, make sure to look into those that have been in business for quite some time. Here are some things to consider when


Tuesday 02 January, 2018

Why So Many People Use Heating Oil

According to statistics, around 6 million households in the United States currently use heating oil as their main heating fuel source. Some of these households also use heating oil to warm up their water. This is done in much smaller batches than what you would find with other sources of


Wednesday 06 December, 2017

Why Trust in a Local Heating Oil Company in Lynchburg, Virginia

When you’re using heating oil for your home, then you want to make sure you’re choosing the right company to work with. When you do, you can feel much more confident being able to obtain the highest quality in heating oil by using Heating Oil Company in Lynchburg, but also

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