Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category.

Tuesday 19 November, 2013

Furnace Replacement

furnaceOne of the easiest way to cut the cost of heating your home is to keep your heating system in tip top shape. This can be done by having your system serviced annually and keeping up on changing filters when needed on your own. Unfortunately there will come a time when your heating system needs to be replaced entirely. While this may be a big cost to you upfront, it will save you money over time as furnaces and boilers have continue to become more and more energy efficient. Furnace Replacement may be your only option.

There are many signs that it might be time to replace your old heating system. Age may be the first indication that you are in need of new equipment. Furnaces generally have a shelf life of 25 years and boilers may last up to 50 years. If your system is approaching these ages it will be time to upgrade sooner than later. Other indications that your heating system might be on its way out includes frequent calls for repairs or an unexplained increase in your energy bills. These are signs that your furnace or boiler are not as working as efficiently as they could or should be. Other less obvious signs include noisy equipment, rooms that may be too hot or too cold, a home that is too dry in wintertime, and/or excessive dust that can be distributed by leaky ducts.

Even if your system is not quite on its last leg yet, you may still want to consider replacing your existing system. Depending on when your system was built, it will score various ratings on the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) chart. Systems installed prior to 1970 will generally score a 65% or lower. This percentage number tells you how much fuel is actually being converted into heat, and a 65% means only that amount out of 100% is actually used to heat your home, the rest is turned into exhaust and is ultimately wasted. The highest efficiency equipment you can purchase on the market today has over a 96% rating, this is over 30% less fuel waste! You would see savings immediately if you switch from one of the older systems. Find out where your heating equipment stands in the ratings on the Department of Energy website.

Whether the time is right to replace your heating system put of necessity or if you are just weighing the pros and cons of simply updating your working but inefficient equipment, you will see significant cost savings immediately. So now might be the time to take the plunge, especially before the real winter weather sets in!

  • Posted by : Heating
  • Written By: admin1

Monday 04 November, 2013

Petroleum Products

overall view of oil and gas installationAt Sterling Oil Company we offer a number of different petroleum products such as kerosene, fuel oil, and various levels of gasoline. You hear of these products quite often in daily life but do you really know what they are? Here is a quick look at each of the petroleum types carried by Sterling Oil.

Probably the most commonly known petroleum product is home heating oil otherwise known as #2 Fuel Oil. The number ‘2’ is actually a class of oil rated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) classification system. It is delivered in a low viscosity liquid (meaning it is not too thick) state and is used widely throughout the United States at just under 7 million households.

Sterling Oil also carries ‘Low Sulfur (LS)’, a cleaner alternative to #2 Fuel Oil. LS is marketed as such because its sulfur content, is at the most, 15 parts per million.  To obtain this lower sulfur standard additional steps are taken during the refining process. It is a big step in the effort to lower emissions and become more environmentally friendly.

Kerosene is probably one of the more versatile petroleum products but is generally associated with lighting (such as kerosene lamps), cooking, and heating. Did you know it is also used as jet fuel and as an ingredient in insecticides? Like #2 Fuel Oil, kerosene has a low viscosity and is derived through the distilling of petroleum. It was the first to be extracted for large commercial purposes in the mid 1800’s.

In addition to all the products above, we also carry three grades of gasoline – regular, midgrade, and premium. The difference in the grade is based on the octane rating of the three. The higher the octane content, the higher the grade. Gasoline with a higher rating is less likely to self-ignite and will burn more evenly. When you are at the gas pump, the gasoline rating of 87, 89, or 91 (sometimes 93) correlates to their level of octane.

Various fuels have been distilled from petroleum for over 2000 years, first discovered by Arabian scientists. Petroleum products are, in short, very complex mixtures. In fact, there are many products we come across in our everyday lives that we do not realize are derived from petroleum, such as linoleum, perfumes, soap, and even vitamin capsules. Sterling Oil is proud of the petroleum products we carry and are proud to be serving the beautiful city of Lynchburg.


Friday 04 October, 2013

Lower Winter Heating Costs

Frau erhält HeizkostenabrechnungWith the fall season in full swing and the big box stores already stocking their shelves with holiday decorations, it’s time to start thinking about and preparing for winter. One of the biggest concerns facing families each and every year is the cost of heating their homes during these cold months. Here are some good tips and tricks that can help to lower your heating bill this winter.

You don’t need to wait for the cold weather to arrive to prep your home and perform maintenance on your heating system. An easy step to prevent both heat loss in the winter and air conditioning in the summer is to ensure any and all gaps in doors and door frames are sealed. Also taking the time to re-caulk the drafty areas around your windows will prevent air from escaping. Take a walk around your home, paying attention to furniture that may be blocking radiators. This could prevent heat from circulating around the room when needed so you may want to consider rearranging your furniture. If it has been awhile, you might also want to get your heating system checked to make sure everything is in tip top shape and ready to tackle the marathon that is winter heating.

Once the cold does arrive, keep shades and curtains open during the day to maximize the sunlight flow into your house, this will help to naturally warm your home. Close them both once the sun has set to prevent heat loss. Keep you kitchen vents, closest doors, and fireplace dampers closed to also prevent warm air from escaping. In addition, turn down your thermostat a degree or two while you are out or sleeping and turn the water heater temperature down to 115-120 degrees ensuring you will use less energy without really noticing a difference.

Finally, there are bigger steps you can take that might cost a little up front but will pay off in the long run. Installing a programmable thermostat will lower fuel costs over the course of a year and will also prevent you from having to constantly regulate the temperature manually. If you have them, lowering storm windows will keep air from escaping and if you don’t have them it might be an investment you want to make.

Don’t fret over the winter cold this year. With these tips you shouldn’t have to anguish over your home heating bill, instead enjoy the winter weather! As Ben Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

  • Posted by : Heating
  • Written By: admin1

Monday 24 June, 2013

Our Very Own Inducted into Worldwide Who’s Who

Our Very Own Inducted into Worldwide Who’s Who – Mrs. Beeler Hensley’s family business, Sterling Oil, is celebrating its 30th year of business

Donna Beeler Hensley Inducted into Worldwide Who’s Who for Excellence in Business Management

Who's Who

Mrs. Beeler Hensley’s family business, Sterling Oil, is celebrating its 30th year of business

LYNCHBURG, VA, June 24, 2013 Donna Beeler Hensley, Vice President of Sterling Oil, has been recognized by Worldwide Who’s Who for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in business management.

A seasoned industry expert, Mrs. Beeler Hensley has 17 years of professional experience, with 12 years as a vice president of Sterling Oil. As a customer service expert, she is responsible for overseeing business operations and the service segment for the HVAC with her brother, Michael Beeler. This involves ordering and pricing fuel, acquiring the best inventory on the market, assisting with dispatched service calls, and ensuring that her staff is trained, knowledgeable and remains current with all customer needs. In addition, Mrs. Hensley is involved with sales and installation of new customer equipment, fuel lines, repairs to existing equipment, and all facets of the statewide oil business efforts. Mrs. Hensley also organized the company’s participation in disaster relief efforts during Hurricane Sandy and Winter Storm Nemo along the entire east coast of the United States.

Mrs. Beeler Hensley is 45 years old, and she works with her father, H. Wayne Beeler, who owns Sterling Oil. They are celebrating 30 years of business this year. She attributes her success to her pride in the work she does and in the company, as well as her father, who is her hero, and who she greatly respects. She became involved in her profession because Sterling Oil is her family’s business, which she grew up admiring the tremendous work ethic of her parents. She was in the car business in her early 20s, and was responsible for inventory and ordering cars. After her father underwent open heart surgery, she stepped in to help with the business because she felt a sense of responsibility. With the guidance of her father, participation from her brother, and Mrs. Beeler Hensley’s unparalleled customer service, Sterling Oil Company has grown and flourished under this leadership.

Mrs. Beeler Hensley’s Company is a member of the Virginia Jobbers Association and she is always interested in the future energy needs, Mrs. Hensley is also an Associate for Viridian Energy which was founded in 2009 and is a rapidly growing energy company. They provide an alternate energy supply option to the local utility. When Mrs. Hensley is not at work, she enjoys spending time with her wonderful husband and three beautiful children. Mrs. Hensley prepares food for the neighborhood church to feed the community. She spearheads the community coat/teddy bear drives each year for the less fortunate. Family’s in her area who find themselves in an economic hardship often turn to Mrs. Beeler Hensley’s compassionate efforts, as the hundreds of customer thank you letters attest. Mrs. Beeler

Hensley confirms that her altruist heart is directly from her personal relationship of faith. An active church member, she is often called on to help others and responds happily. In years to come, Mrs. Beeler Hensley hopes for continued professional growth and development.

Sterling Oil is an area leader which provides heating and cooling solutions to residential and commercial customers. They supply a large portion of their area with heating oil, kerosene, diesel fuel, and gasoline. Also they provide fuel for commercial generators for existing businesses. Often they provide diesel fuel service to incoming vendors to the city for large construction efforts. They install new heat pumps, furnaces, air conditioning systems, and all ancillary associated products. For more information about about Sterling Oil visit and for information about Viridian Energy visit Associate Number: 18575



Wednesday 19 June, 2013

Celebrating 30 Years of Business

H.Wayne Beeler started the business Sterling Oil Company, Inc in 1983

Our Company is a Family Owned Business and We take Great Pride in giving Fast and Dependable Service to Our Valued Customers here in the Greater Lynchburg Area and Surrounding Counties.

Our Company also has a Service Department We Install a Full Line of Heating and Cooling Equipment which included Heatpumps as well.

So Give Our Company a call at 434-845-0971 and we will be Happy to Serve You

Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter

And Tell Your Friends about Us…


Tuesday 08 January, 2013

Heating Oil Clean & Reliable

Heating Oil is also a clean heat that creates no soot, dirt or odors in a properly maintained system. Heating oil has little negative impact on the environment and for every gallon of oil burned, 140,000 BTUs of heat are generated.

Heating oil is a clean, reliable and efficient way for homeowners to keep warm and comfortable all year long.



Tuesday 23 October, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a K-Factor?

A K-factor reflects your individual rate of usage based on how cold it is. K-factor is determined by dividing the number of degree days by gallons delivered. The higher the K-factor the more efficient your heating system. This is similar to tracking your car’s miles per gallon.


What is a Degree Day?

Degree Days are a unit for estimating the demand for energy required for heating and cooling. Starting from the standard US indoor temperature of 65 degrees, a heating or cooling degree day is recorded every 1° decrease or increase from this standard.


What does Degree Day monitoring mean to me?

Think of it like the MPG (miles per gallon) calculations used for your car. Like MPG, Degree Day monitoring helps determine a particular rate of usage. Our Company tracks the number of accumulating degree days throughout the season and uses this formula based on your usage to determine when you will need another delivery.


Why are annual equipment tune-ups so important?

Annual tune-ups on your heating system will reduce the chance of breakdowns, keep your system running at peak efficiency and will save you money on your fuel bill.



Friday 19 October, 2012

Women In The Oil Business

Women in the Oil Business

Women in the Oil Business

Women in the Industry
Over the years while working in many phases of this industry, I have come to realize that one of the most often overlooked groups of people in our industry is the women who work for our companies. Many of these same women seldom or never make it into the lime light for the contributions they have made to keep our industry both whole and profitable.

             One of these women works in the manufacturing and marketing side of the heating industry and when it comes to knowing her company’s products, whether it’s a furnace or boiler, she is on her game at all levels. In 2009, I had the distinct honor to present her with then NAOHSM Associate of the Year award (now Oil and Energy Service Professionals) for both her compassion and the many years of dedication to both this industry and a company. A true icon!

            Most of the time I do not mention names, but I’m going to make an exception to my own rule. Julie, as she is known, doesn’t just work for a family oil company that was established in 1898 and located in Rhode Island; she is a vital link to its success. She arrived at this company out of high school and has been a faithful part of its success for several years. Julie always displays a take charge attitude and can make correct decisions on her own, weather it be service related, billing, budgets, or those ever nagging “What’s the price of oil?” calls.

            Some I have witnessed during my business calls to this company and when you talk to the owner the company, you soon learn that Julie is recognized as one of the family and the life blood of the business’s success. Then there is Alice the co-owner and president of a family owned and operated supply company. Alicecould well retire, but due to her dedication to her customers, she can be found daily at the counter greeting and serving their needs. Over the years Alice has gained a wealth of product knowledge and can assist in solving many trade related issues.

Take a moment after reading this article and reflect on a woman or women in your own company. Are they the ones that seldom receive any gratitude for what they do on a daily basis? Let’s not forget that many of these same women are wives and mothers at the end of the day! I would also call them company defenders. Why? Because they get to address every issue from the customer’s viewpoint and shield others from an often stressful and challenging situation, while maintaining the integrity of management and ownership.

             Women rarely get to leave the office (except for lunch) unlike most of the owners and managers and are generally the last to know when it comes to a policy change. Sound familiar?

            I recently had a credit card issue that involved over a thousand dollars in non-authorized charges that were applied to my company credit card. It too was processed and corrected by a woman from my own company. It’s been said that behind every good man is a woman. So to that end I agree and will close by saying hats off to all the women in the industry—let’s show our appreciation when they least expect it.



Wednesday 17 October, 2012

Sterling Oil VP gets to meet the Candidate VP Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Event

Meeting Republican Candidate Paul Ryan Lynchburg, VA


Monday 01 October, 2012

Build With Oil

Build With Oil is the comprehensive program created to promote Oilheat to builders, contractors, building owners, real estate professionals and homeowners.

If you’re an Oilheat Dealer, the Build With Oil Program is your practical guide for building on the success of the national program to benefit your own company. Helping you get a larger share of the builders market is our top priority. You’ll gain valuable advice and assistance in building your own program quickly and inexpensively. And you’ll be offered the tools you need to achieve your sales/marketing objectives.

If you’re a Builder and/or a Contractor, the Build With Oil Program will provide you with the benefits of installing Oilheat equipment in your residential and commercial projects. And it will provide you with the contact information you need to establish mutually beneficial relationships with Oilheat dealers in you area.

If you’re a Real Estate Professional, the Build With Oil Program will demonstrate to you why buyers prefer the cozy efficiency and dependability of Oilheat. And how, by working closely with the Oilheat Dealers in your area, you can get the help you need to sell more homes faster.

If you’re a homeowner or building owner, the Build With Oil Program will show you why Oilheat is the best choice for cozy comfort, energy efficiency, dependability and savings.


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